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You will also be ready to join and switch between Find Umbrella's providers for free and with ease.
Most frequently asked questions and answers.
After your form submission one of our advisors will be in touch to confirm which plan may suit you best.
The provider will present their full terms & conditions and provide you a full tax breakdown including any fees and how much of your earnings you take home after tax deductions and umbrella fees.
They will then request approval from your agency to act as your payroll provider.
After your form submission, one of our advisors will be in touch to confirm which plan may suit you best.
Our team of expert advisors are always here to clear up any questions or concerns. In any case that it is decided that this plan or provider is not the best match for you after your submission, with your consent, your information can be easily transferred at no cost.
You can skip any questions you wish, however you will be asked for the following:
National Insurance Number
Agency Contact Details
Clear Image of Valid Passport/Driving License
Find Umbrella is a completely free service for contractors.
Our providers do not charge their contractors that are in between contracts including holidays.
No problem, our providers fees only apply whilst your contract has started and you are being paid.
You can sign up to Find Umbrella, find and join the best paying umbrella company for your upcoming contract for completely free.
We have been able to provide you with the best possible free service by charging some of the listed providers a small fee for new customers they receive that come from our website.
For more information please see our advertisement disclosure above.